CA:Coming Soon
Nyan Cat, also known as Pop Tart Cat, is an 8-bit animation depicting a cat with the body of a cherry Pop-Tart flying through outer space. While absurd themes like flying kittens and pastry cats have been around for some time, the surreal humor behind this particular combination has captivated YouTubers and online art communities, spawning fan illustrations as well as user-interface designs and homebrew games across multiple platforms.

About US

What's the roadmap for NYAN CAT?
No roadmap. No utility. No plans. Just NYAN CAT.
What are NYAN CAT?
NYAN CAT is a cat that combines magical colored tails to create the ultimate collecting experience
Create Phantom Wallet
Download Phantom or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to phantom.app

Get some Solana
Have SOL in your wallet to switch to $NYANCAT. If you don’t have any SOL, you can buy directly on Phantom, transfer from another wallet, bridge from any chain, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Go to Raydium
Connect to Raydium. Go to raydium.io in google chrome or on the browser inside your Phantom app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $NYANCAT token address into Raydium, select $NYANCAT, and confirm. When Raydium prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

Switch sol for $NYANCAT
switch SOL for $NYANCAT. We have low taxes so you don’t need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.
Terra Nyan Cat
Created for Earth Day
TSurfing Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat takes to the ocean and tests out rad surfing skills.
Shiny Nyan Cat
Nyan Cat shimmers across the night sky
Pumpkin Spice Nyan Cat
Pumpkin Spice Nyan Cat makes a spoopy appearance.
New Year's Nyan Cat
Created for New Year's.
Lucky Nyan Cat
Created for St. Patrick's Day
Hazy Nyan Cat
Created for 4/20 in official collaboration with Snoop Dogg
Golden Nyan Cat
This one is for top hodlers
Glitch Nyan Cat
Error 404
Nyantendo Nyan Cat
Now you're playing with power!
Fancy Nyan Cat
Top hat and wine, what more could you ask for?
Demonic Nyan Cat
It's a fight between good and evil. Who will win?
Angelic Nyan Cat
It's a fight between good and evil. Who will win?
Holographic Nyan Aoki
Collaboration with Steve Aoki.
Cherry Blossom Nyan Cat
Collaboration with Kristy Glas
Celebracion Nyan Cat
Created for Cinco De Mayo
Biker Nyan Cat
Created for Cinco De What a great way to get around town!
Vaporwave Nyan Cat